Repatriation of Body from the USA to Israel

Homeland International is well experienced in repatriation of remains from the USA to anywhere worldwide, including to Israel. With many vetted providers located all over the USA, Homeland International can provide assistance from any part of the USA back to Israel.

We understand the religious and cultural requirements for repatriation of Jewish people back to Israel and will do our upmost to arrange repatriation as soon as possible. 

How Body Repatriation from the USA to Israel works:

Repatriation of remains from the USA usually takes about 7 days to complete, however we do everything possible to reduce this timeframe when supporting Jewish families. In the past we have been able to complete repatriations in a matter of a couple days however the usual quick turnaround time is about 3 to 4 days if government departments help us in speeding things up.

We collate the required paperwork from the various parties in the USA and organise an embalming and a repatriation coffin. These are required for repatriation from the USA no matter the religion of the deceased person. Once we have the paperwork process complete, we can then arrange flights back to the final destination wherever this may be. Not all airports are possible to reach, however if the destination airport is a long way from the final location, we can support with the onward transport also.

Jewish Repatriation

Our team understands and respects the religious and cultural requirements for the repatriation of a Jewish person and will do everything possible to facilitate these requests.

Some requests are not possible to support for repatriation, for example we have to embalm to repatriate internationally despite the request against doing so.

Some states in the USA are helpful when working on a Jewish repatriation and will provide special support to speed up their paperwork processes, other states do not provide special support so every case is different in relation to time frames.

We will always do everything possible to speed up the repatriation time. 

Often, Jewish families would like to travel home to Israel on the same flight as their loved one’s remains. We can help you do this too, either by booking your flights through our travel agents or by providing the flight details to you so you can book yourselves onto the same flight also. 

Documents Required for Repatriation of Remains from the USA to Israel

Documents for you to provide to Homeland International

  • Passport of the deceased person
  • Death Certificate (if registered already)
  • Homeland International Authorisation Form (this will be sent to you for completion)
  • Burial permit from Israel with proof of plot
  • There may be a requirement for additional paperwork from you, we will advise you if anything else is required when starting repatriation arrangements

Documents which Homeland International will obtain

  • Export Certificate
  • Freedom from Infection Certificate
  • Embalming Certificate
  • Funeral Directors Declaration Certificate
  • Air Waybill document from airline
  • Other local paperwork

Locations in the USA we can repatriate from

We are usually able to arrange flights back to most international destinations from most international airports in the USA including Tel Aviv, Israel.

We regularly support with repatriation of remains from Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and many more locations across the USA.

On arrival back to the destination country, Homeland International can support with the customs clearance at the airport and the transport back to the home town/city.

We can arrange repatriation of remains from anywhere in the USA including:

  • New York
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
  • Houston
  • Phoenix
  • Philadelphia
  • San Antonio
  • San Diego
  • Dallas
  • San Jose
  • Austin
  • Jacksonville
  • Fort Worth
  • Columbus
  • Baltimore
  • Indianapolis
  • Charlotte
  • San Francisco
  • Seattle
  • Denver
  • Washington
  • Nashville
  • Oklahoma City
  • El Paso
  • Boston
  • Portland
  • Las Vegas
  • Detroit
  • Memphis
  • Louisville

Request Quotation

Please provide us with some information such as where the repatriation is to and from so we can provide a quotation to you. You can contact us using one of the methods below:


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